Retrofit vs Refit

Struggling to decide whether to RETROFIT your facility/s? 

Budget challenges?  Timing issues? 

Maybe, a REFIT is a better idea! 

Wait, what’s a REFIT?

 To help you decide which way to go…

A lighting RETROFIT uses external labor to add or substitute new parts or components to a lighting fixture, to modernize and make sustainable and energy efficient.  American Wholesale Lighting provides site audits, utility rebate administration, product procurement, installation, and existing product disposal/recycling.  We do it all! 

A lighting REFIT is a DIY project, whereby you self-perform (use internal company labor) the re-lamping of a lighting fixture/s to modernize and make sustainable and energy efficient.  American Wholesale Lighting provides product procurement and utility rebate administration.  We assist wherever needed! 

American Wholesale Lighting is here to assist whichever way you choose.  With over 350,000,000 sq. ft. spanning 12,000+ facilities and 35 years of lighting experience, we are your best choice to get the job done.